Warlords call to arms 2 hacked
Warlords call to arms 2 hacked

warlords call to arms 2 hacked warlords call to arms 2 hacked warlords call to arms 2 hacked

Divided States of America sometimes goes hand-in-hand, as other nations come into the country to act as peacekeepers, to secure international interests, or to conquer the splintered US. See also Mexico Called They Want Texas Back and Russia Called They Want Alaska Back for more specific examples of this trope. The United States' geographical isolation from every other major military power means an invasion would be very difficult, but since the logistics aren't really the point of these stories that usually gets handwaved if not outright ignored. It's also rare for the actual logistics of such an invasion to even be described, because it's hard to do so realistically. However, can also be Anvilicious if it is too blatant a rip-off of any real-life war, especially one in which the US was actually involved. If done right, can make for an interesting plot. Some works give a handwave towards Mexico becoming unfriendly in the years leading up to the war, so that it can be plausibly used as a base for an invasion (the most common example is a Communist Mexico allied with the Soviet Union). The US's nuclear arsenal almost never gets employed during these stories, despite the fact it'd be a deterrent as per the whole 'MAD' thing, though its non-use is often hand-waved away by the proliferation of some new technology and/or magic - or by the governments simply going "better to try reclaiming what's ours than doom the whole world". settings will usually be very similar to the Twenty Minutes setting, usually featuring a Russian or Chinese invasion. 1812) Power that would genuinely be threatened by an invasion from a rival power. 20 Minutes into the Future will sometimes depict a (dystopian) USA that is no longer a Super-Power but merely a Great (e.g. If it is set pre-1990, it is usually a Cold War that got hot or some other form of Alternate History, such as Nazi Germany and/or Imperial Japan carving an isolationist America up once they've finished conquering the rest of the world.

warlords call to arms 2 hacked

The background of the invasion usually varies on when the work is set. The work will usually focus on the heroic efforts of either or both the US Armed Forces and the La Résistance as they try to defend their homeland. A plot device that depicts the United States as a target of foreign occupation by another (nation-)state or states.

Warlords call to arms 2 hacked